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  • Writer's pictureCaren Connelly

Words of Wisdom

WFEE grant
Lincoln Literacy Coach Ella Adams-MacLeod and Art Teacher Sue Costello decided to collaborate on a school wide project to encourage kindness, self-awareness and wisdom.

Sometimes the simplest WFEE grants are the best. 

Lincoln Literacy Coach Ella Adams-MacLeod and Art Teacher Sue Costello decided to collaborate on a school wide project to encourage kindness, self-awareness and wisdom. All students read Only One You, a book about a little fish finding his way in the world, bringing with him words of wisdom from his parents. Students discussed what makes someone wise.

"Wise is making good choices."

They proposed some words of wisdom of their own.

"Smiles should be given, not taken."

"Take time to smell the roses."

Then it was off to Ms. Costello's art room for each student to paint his or her words on rocks, 600 hundred pounds of river rocks!

Later this month the rocks will be installed outside of  Lincoln Elementary, creating a permanent reminder of what is really important in life. 

"We are going to make Lincoln School a better place by displaying your words of wisdom."

Ella Adams-MacLeod

Total cost? $610.63. Value? Priceless.

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