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  • Writer's pictureCaren Connelly

The Compassion of a Child

WFEE grants
Evie Morin, Muraco Student

This is a story about a 5th grader who noticed a problem at her school and decided to do something. 

"Every day at recess there is a student who is feeling like they do not know who to play has certainly happened to me!"

Evie Morin, Muraco Student

Evie talked her brother and they remembered hearing about a Buddy Bench, a place for kids to go at recess if they were feeling lonely or bored. Evie's principal suggested she apply to WFEE for a Student Innovation Grant to fund the bench. Evie's grant proposal was straightforward.

"A Buddy Bench could help kids new to the school, kids wanting to make new friends, kids whose friends are absent that day, and kids who want to play something different from what their friends are playing."

WFEE's board was happy to say yes to Evie, excited to hear her explain the grant to fellow Muraco Elementary students. 

The Buddy Bench should arrive this week; the Winchester DPW has promised to install it as soon as the ground is thawed. Hope this story of a compassionate and committed little girl makes your week a little better.

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