The diversity of courses offered by TAS is its strength. It provides content specific courses, for English, History, Math and Science, taught by experts in their field, rather than generalized professional development offered by the district. Content and approaches to subjects have moved forward since most teachers were in college, and having professors from leading universities who are on the cutting edge of thinking about their subjects is beneficial to classroom teachers and support staff. TAS addresses multiple district goals: establishing and sustaining regular collaborative meetings of educators, sharing effective and innovative practices, focusing on inquiry, and creating respectful, inclusive learning spaces. The range of topics is inspiring for educators, allowing them to explore subject matter through a new lens. Just this year teachers from Winchester took classes on:
Teachers were surveyed about if the classes had a direct impact on their teaching this past year (responses are limited as about half of the teachers’ seminars are in the spring). However, here are some of the responses thus far: